THE 2024 sTEVENSON BENEFIT: MAY 6, 2024, 6:30pm

City Vineyard – 233 West Street, New York, NY

This year’s Benefit celebrated our alumni! 感谢所有支持慈善活动的人,让我们的筹款活动成为迄今为止最成功的一次, raising over $96,000 to support our program.

If you made pledge during the event, please click here and select “donate now” to submit payment. Thank you!

It is not too late to support the Benefit! 承保机会是帮助抵消与事件相关的成本的好方法, and can be made below.

Underwriting Opportunities

  • $5,000 Champagne: Help to offset the cost of our venue

  • $2,000 Bordeaux: Help to offset the cost of our menu

  • $1,000 Riesling: Help to offset the cost of our bar

  • $250 Prosecco: Underwrite the attendance of a faculty or staff member

make an underwriting gift